[18:33:33] Trying to ban evade with your fag bots on libera again I see sy. [18:36:52] <+spagnod> avoidr: j'ai retourné [18:40:43] DickCheney he at least gave up on my #psycology [18:41:02] * #psychology [19:01:47] you know I just press a button right [19:02:00] It's not some persistent effort to piss you off [19:02:11] I couldn't care less about your backwater channels [19:02:42] who are you [19:02:48] what are you doing in my fucking channel [19:03:35] He is trying to log all the irc conversations and make money selling the data. [19:06:04] <+ShadowM00n> gay if true [19:08:46] <+spagnod> lol ok [19:11:01] DickCheney: for the millionth time, it's a free product [19:11:11] <+spagnod> this channel is just cute kitty UwUs so good luck making money lol [19:11:36] also it's all hashed, you're just butthurt it wasn't before [19:11:45] If you've seen nicks such as Votes78,Parties72,op62,bettedriven,intdtti,recorderbill,referring2 your channel has been secretly logged! [19:11:48] or just have nothing better to do with your time [19:12:02] there's 50 more [19:12:04] you don't have shit [19:12:14] and even if you did, so what [19:12:26] you're being watched by a massive number of organisations [19:12:33] and you're worried about one dude with a small script [19:12:45] idk if you have too much time or too few brains [19:12:55] Because this is irc not facebook [19:13:07] as if there's any difference [19:13:50] <+spagnod> lol the GCHQ monitors emails, I'm pretty sure they log irc [19:13:58] <+ShadowM00n> faggot confirmed [19:14:04] <+spagnod> me? [19:14:07] <+spagnod> you got me :( [19:15:12] you guys want to see what's got him all hot and bothered? [19:15:24] what about encryption ShadowM00n? [19:15:38] <+ShadowM00n> what *about* encryption? [19:15:47] it's not even encrypted, it's hashed [19:15:54] there's literallyt no way to get the plaintext [19:16:04] because the length of the plaintext is more than the length of the hash etc [19:16:11] https://pathogen.is/?query=science&size=20&source=all&show_sentiment=on&sorting=desc this is what it looks like [19:16:20] even clicking into shit there is no way you can correlate it to someone [19:16:32] I do recall in the source (which you've made private) that an account with the proper permissions can view plain text. [19:16:33] except maybe building your own thing and checking the channel membership numbers [19:16:35] which are randomised [19:17:13] yeah, until they are hashed [19:17:40] it's runtime hashed + historic [19:17:45] because the thing is slow [19:18:03] but it doesnt matter anyway because you may notice it's slightly delayed now, by 10 days [19:18:24] Yeah all these things you've done to the front end just to make it harder for people to find your bots. [19:18:33] <+ShadowM00n> what is the purpose of such a collection? [19:18:39] <+spagnod> yes I want to know [19:18:39] if you don't know where they are do you really care [19:18:40] I'm sure if you got paying customers, they would get access to everything. [19:18:51] nah [19:18:53] they'd just snitch [19:18:57] this is a trial [19:19:04] I'm adding many more sources [19:19:09] to make it a text version of intelx [19:19:20] https://intelx.io/ [19:19:38] but as a dashboard [19:20:23] also I can get plaintext access with an irc client [19:20:28] as can anyone [19:20:36] "but not historic" blah blah [19:20:38] it's the same [19:20:42] I can easily do it earlier [19:20:43] or later [19:21:41] technically anyone with bnc can spy on us [19:22:01] But most people are not using the data to make a "product" [19:22:05] <+spagnod> b-bnc? [19:22:14] So stop ban evading. [19:22:15] <+spagnod> can someone ELI5 this shit to me? [19:22:31] it's automated and respects bans [19:22:42] I don't really notice network bans so :shrug: [19:22:42] it doesn't respect network bans [19:22:48] yeah it doesn't [19:22:57] You damn well know you have been kicked off libera repeatedly [19:23:05] my finger slipped [19:23:07] in that your personal account has been [19:23:09] yeah okay [19:23:11] spagnod: irc bouncer: server that keeps logged into irc to give you bit of scrollback [19:23:14] oh right [19:23:22] yeah they banned me for like an hour overnight [19:23:29] what a great travesty [19:23:55] anyway 4chan is even more interesting [19:24:02] what is the point of archiving irc if you hash everything lel [19:24:10] the tokens [19:24:11] because the..." <- false [19:24:29] because the [19:24:31] ... [19:24:50] because the thing is slow? [19:24:51] And I have seen different bot nicks join a channel a while after one is kicked [19:24:53] is the thing not slow? [19:24:58] this is a confusing thing to dispute [19:25:02] so libera hates freedom, huh? [19:25:13] DickCheney: interesting [19:25:17] that shouldn't happen [19:25:20] so you are evading channel bans [19:25:26] I think I fixed it [19:25:36] it joins the channels on a loop and it takes about 6 hours so [19:25:38] Oh yeah I'm sure it's not intentional /s [19:25:46] im sure you cloned it [19:25:49] grep threshold for blacklist [19:25:50] Why don't you ask permission from network operators? [19:25:52] it literally saves [19:25:55] where its kicked from [19:26:00] any other functionality is a bug [19:26:07] Yes I know, but you can remove from the blacklist [19:26:08] DickCheney: why would he [19:26:10] i know it'll just get kicked again and there's no point [19:26:16] well sure it's my blacklist lol but i never have [19:26:21] becuase there's no point [19:26:32] but the thing is the blacklist is actually a list of the most interesting channels [19:26:43] which ill need to do something with at some point [19:26:50] ie ban evade [19:26:52] got it [19:26:53] just to piss people off since people think i do that anyway [19:26:55] exactly [19:26:58] you get me [19:27:12] DickCheney: it is not ban evasion if you do it with another persona [19:27:38] to be frank i just hashed it so people have something to search while i implement more sources [19:27:38] <+ShadowM00n> yes it is. bans don't care about your tumblr headmates [19:27:49] let's agree to disagre [19:27:50] e [19:28:04] i'm not going to sit here and pretend to care about people's privacy in a world of GAFAM [19:28:04] the hash thing is retarded lmao [19:28:08] how so? [19:28:09] it makes the whole thing useless [19:28:17] yeah [19:28:17] it does [19:28:19] not going to argue [19:28:22] for now [19:28:23] oh yeah, hash: hash to you too [19:28:26] so useful [19:28:28] <+ShadowM00n> "other people are evil so I'm going to be evil too" [19:28:31] you know what else is useful [19:28:32] but actually [19:28:34] <+ShadowM00n> are you actually this stupid? [19:28:37] you can click the hashes [19:28:38] cat /dev/urandom > benis [19:28:39] so useful [19:28:45] click the hashes [19:28:51] you can see what people talk about [19:28:55] but not who they are [19:29:02] it's the most useful i can do without leaking peoples information [19:29:10] yeah, abc636874657465 said the same thing as b00b5329732874 5 years ago wow [19:29:17] so cool [19:29:27] well okay [19:29:31] also [19:29:35] you don't have to find it useful [19:29:38] it's not your project [19:29:42] you can brute force things like yes, no, etc [19:29:46] i'm sure you have more important things to do like shitpost on irc [19:29:54] I do not use irc [19:29:55] lol [19:29:57] you can't [19:30:02] ok [19:30:02] there's a secret key [19:30:08] you need to find it first [19:30:12] which makes there two unknowns [19:30:16] it's siphash42'd [19:30:20] you can't brute force it [19:30:38] if both fields are unknown there's nothing you can do [19:30:41] yeah, was going to suggest it as a counter to brute force [19:30:45] even if you find the plaintext value you need to get the key [19:30:47] how big is the sekret key [19:30:59] it's a secret [19:31:06] "a secret" [19:31:10] you can access the plaintext now [19:31:12] congratulations [19:31:24] i just put it in as a troll to see if anyone would brute it [19:31:59] kinda based [19:32:14] still useless though, just be a chad and publish everything [19:33:53] <+spagnod> the fuck is this `libera,spagnod,channel,got,voic,racist` [19:35:21] wow [19:35:26] you are racist? [19:36:51] <+spagnod> I mean that's just taken from a conversation we had last week on here [19:37:07] <+spagnod> it literally was "spagnod got voice" "hehehe ur racist lol" [19:37:53] But did you see his "sentiment" algos bro? So he can sell data about how people feel about different brands on irc [19:38:04] I LOVE Coca Cola! [19:38:07] #pepsisux [19:38:14] OMG data! [19:38:26] <+spagnod> can we do shit about it or not? [19:38:40] <+ShadowM00n> we can ban him everywhere he's detected [19:38:55] <+ShadowM00n> otherwise, we'd need IRCop involvement at any given network [19:38:59] <+ShadowM00n> beyond that, not a ton [19:39:01] Why are you afraid to go on efnet sy? [19:39:53] it's me right? 3J82HELPV3NXT [19:40:35] DickCheney: thank you for the suggestion [19:40:53] montar: sorry no [19:41:07] it's someone on rizon [19:41:19] i am on rizon [19:41:26] it's not anyone here [19:41:56] i can search for hashes but i can't do it backwards currently [19:42:01] so i cant tell you your hash [19:42:12] i mean i could but it's more work than i'm assed to do [19:42:16] and there are tags reffering to conversations that i made on #politics-uncensored [19:42:30] <+spagnod> sy: Under Article 17 of the European General Data Protection Regulation and the appropriate sections of the British law, I invoke my right to be forgotten. This constitutes but is not limited to: removal of any media generated from my activity on IRC channels, removal of any media tagged with "spagnod", uninvolvement of me with the logging program in the future. Please comply with this [19:42:33] <+spagnod> within the next 30 days or a Cease and Desist shall be delivered to you through IRC, email or any other means in which you can be contacted. If you refuse do comply, I will alert the EFF. [19:43:14] <+ShadowM00n> in a day where the woke mafia ruins jobs and lives, that sort of spying is unforgivable [19:43:15] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHHAHHAHA [19:43:43] thank you for making me laugh [19:43:51] <+spagnod> you're welcome [19:43:55] https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/12935910 [19:44:16] spagnod ^ that may be of assistance. [19:44:20] <+spagnod> xaxaxaxaxa doxxed [19:44:22] i am not sure if you can do anything to him w/o knowing his real names [19:44:35] my name is under "People" [19:44:41] along with my address [19:44:43] come see me [19:44:50] I'm sure we can sort this out in my office [19:44:58] <+spagnod> I will! [19:45:02] International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London, England, EC1A 2BN [19:45:07] <+spagnod> fuck i have to take a train to london [19:45:08] i am bit too far [19:45:33] door code is star hash 1 6 0 4 hash star [19:45:51] ask for Pathogen at reception I'm sure they can tell you where to go [19:46:29] <+spagnod> to go fuck myself? [19:46:44] or his mom? [19:46:55] <+spagnod> bro... we're in england not alabama [19:47:03] <+spagnod> s/bro/dude [19:47:03] dude... we're in england not alabama [19:47:13] you are in england :D [19:47:14] <+spagnod> bro is a cringe word [19:47:39] <+spagnod> ye i meant me and the owner of pathogen ltd [19:47:48] <+spagnod> s/l/s/ [19:47:49] ye i meant me and the owner of pathogen std [19:47:52] <+spagnod> there we go [19:48:14] monkeypox [19:48:25] <+spagnod> s/m/d [19:48:25] ye i deant me and the owner of pathogen ltd [19:48:32] <+spagnod> fuck doesn't work on you [19:48:36] <+spagnod> donkeypox lol [19:48:54] meh [19:49:15] <+spagnod> so... errm... my lawyer will call you sy [19:49:55] and mine will ask you for proof of personal data stored along with proof of identity [19:49:58] Firendly disturber: monkeypox spreads trough gay sexual interaction. there were cases of kids with monkeypox... [19:50:05] <+ShadowM00n> and dogs [19:50:30] <+spagnod> can be spread through touch too right? [19:50:39] only touching dongs [19:50:48] <+spagnod> so if some gay dude wiped his dick on someone's car and a kid got in [19:50:56] <+spagnod> === monkeypox [19:51:08] also there's no data about you [19:51:16] "spagnod" [19:51:28] oh but I thought it was all hashed? [19:51:40] tags are not [19:51:44] <+spagnod> if you search "spagnod" it's tagged [19:51:48] <+spagnod> well "tokened" [19:51:52] right but [19:51:55] you're searching the tokens [19:51:56] <+spagnod> fuck now he has my ip [19:52:06] so you're being like tokens: spagnod [19:52:08] and there's likely zero [19:52:15] so it just shows you most likely matches [19:52:31] Yeah but nicks are hashed, allegedly, except know he knows you are not in the db. [19:52:32] which probably arent relevant but if you look at the tokens field you can see which word it thinks your nick is like [19:52:35] <+spagnod> dude go on the site and search "spagnod" [19:53:13] oh right [19:53:27] <+spagnod> and click on the hashed nick [19:53:35] <+spagnod> 15KMBM20X7CCM [19:54:16] mine is 3J82HELPV3NXT [19:54:43] <+spagnod> i mean look at this token "libera,tfw,tyil,let,root,zf,gentoo,instal" [19:54:54] <+spagnod> might as well show the full message lol [19:54:54] sy have you all that hashing algorithms separated somewhere? [19:55:18] yours is not 3J82HELPV3NXT [19:55:37] you can check sy? [19:55:46] <+spagnod> lol he can just hash it [19:56:09] https://pathogen.is/?query=spagnod&size=20&source=all&sorting=desc [19:56:11] nothing [19:56:17] i did check [19:56:22] do you want to know who it is? [19:56:25] it will mean nothing to you [19:56:38] <+spagnod> lol you cleared it [19:57:22] my lawyer will get in touch within 3-5 days re your request [19:57:25] i already messaged him so [19:57:41] SLAPP_U from rizon 3IHQCXQ4SAAD4 [19:57:45] <+spagnod> lol how's he gonna get in touch [19:57:53] only he says that i am a boss [19:57:59] and only on #nuts [19:58:12] finally you got one right [19:58:14] well, almost [19:58:23] there's a `- at the end of the nickname [19:58:25] <+spagnod> this is a perfect example of how "anonymised" data can be deanonymised [19:58:31] yep [19:58:35] yeah i mean it's not foolproof [19:58:40] tokens are pretty much the whole message [19:58:48] nicks can be removed but i never bothered [19:58:51] and it's 10 days old [19:59:01] so who you can look up is very limited [19:59:08] and i dont know why that would be useful information [20:01:20] <+spagnod> so are you selling the data? [20:01:51] man it's free [20:02:18] <+spagnod> yeah but I didn't know about the site today [20:02:24] <+spagnod> he could scam some people [20:02:28] <+spagnod> well... [20:03:22] that's #nuts on rizon 33Z6A51X2UT69 [20:03:56] only with knowledge from my head [20:04:51] if i would log every channel i am on i would be able to de-anonymize any info about myself [20:05:09] it would be useless of course [20:05:27] <+spagnod> yeah but still [20:05:45] <+spagnod> before he deleted all my data, only my nick hash had the spagnod token [20:05:54] but i would be able to precisely track SLAP_U's slapping operations [20:06:35] (he joins random channel slaps ppl and gets banned) [20:06:41] <+spagnod> wow lol [20:06:57] <+ShadowM00n> majestic [20:08:17] It's free for now [20:08:18] all i need is hashes of channels which i can generate using bot that joins posts bit of random data that would be logged as token and wait 10 days [20:09:07] And he used to have an about section that sounded like he at least intended to make it a product. [20:09:11] simple schema huh? bot joins post sth and leaves logging data chunk and channel name to a file [20:09:53] after 10 days i can compare data from my file and pathogen and bang all channels bot joined are de-anonymizes [20:10:37] "sth" == "data chunk" [20:10:52] my mind is a mess [20:12:16] data chunk can be unix timestamp of moment bot sends messeage [20:12:49] the paid parts will be intensive analytics tools [20:12:52] you know [20:12:56] the parts that actually cost money [20:13:05] <+spagnod> holup holup [20:13:07] yeah i made that about page in like 20 minutes it was shit [20:13:14] <+spagnod> what kind of advertiser is interested in irccucks [20:13:22] as you've proved you can get useful data from even hashes [20:13:24] <+spagnod> no offense [20:13:29] imagine what i can get with a bunch of data sources [20:13:31] they aren't [20:13:36] i'm focusing on the UI [20:13:40] i have a few usecases lined up [20:13:43] but right now it's just pure data [20:13:47] i'm adding 4chan [20:13:56] rn the most useful thing is sentiment over time [20:14:04] if you narrow it down enough and with more sources [20:14:06] you could: [20:14:13] * see people's sentiment about a certain stock [20:14:25] * see if people will be interested in your new product in a certain sector [20:14:32] * see if people on 4chan like the stock more than irc [20:14:38] <+spagnod> yeah but it only applies to nerds on irc and neckbeards on 4chan [20:14:54] and twitter facebook and linkedin [20:15:00] but i'm implementing a live mode [20:15:13] to search at runtime rather than in ES [20:15:18] <+spagnod> please hire me [20:15:25] i'm going to cache shit in MantiCore [20:15:33] since ES really sucks for performance [20:15:44] ah but we can't afford to pay wages with a free product [20:15:54] i'm just doing this for fun, any $ is bonus [20:16:12] <+spagnod> interesting project but I don't enjoy being logged [20:16:40] <+ShadowM00n> I despise botnets and marketers [20:16:41] <+spagnod> I'm pretty sure not many people do, to be exact [20:16:52] yeah well the live sources will be more of a hit [20:17:01] irc was a bit of a flunk [20:17:06] but it's only the first iteration [20:17:10] and a made a pretty dashboard [20:17:14] did you know you can drag windows [20:17:16] <+spagnod> lol imagine he branches out to matrix too [20:17:26] He is already doing discord [20:17:29] and create more widgets with the album icons [20:17:39] yeah discord is a lot better [20:17:44] <+spagnod> so what are you hoping to do? a couple bots in every public room on matrix/discord/irc? [20:17:47] nobody really seems to care [20:17:55] <+spagnod> well... yeah [20:17:59] nah goal is just live data with a "shadow cache" [20:17:59] <+spagnod> discord's doing the same to them [20:18:05] <+spagnod> they don't mind getting fucked over [20:18:11] with facebook/twitter/linkedin [20:18:23] <+spagnod> how're you gonna bot facebook? [20:18:26] you search a company and get some info about employees, their opinions on certain topics [20:18:28] i have no idea lmao [20:18:31] it's gonna be hard [20:18:40] <+spagnod> you need ID to make an account now [20:18:41] but hopefully i might be able to link people across 4chan and facebook [20:18:43] "nobody" never mind you've been kicked off several irc networks [20:18:56] with n-grams and fancy statistical analysis [20:19:02] you only need text to track people [20:19:13] typing patterns and typing speed make up a very unique fingerprint [20:19:31] DickCheney: nobody -> on discord [20:21:18] *** Joins: KindOne (~KindOne@KindOne.vHost) [20:22:03] ppl on discord passively accept being spied on [20:22:28] they know they can't do anything [20:22:40] but on irc we can [20:25:48] sy: who am i [20:26:08] irc is unencrypted and irc operations regularly check stuff [20:26:09] lol [20:26:21] irc is not any better than discord in terms of privacy [20:26:37] no e2ee [20:27:10] i trust irc-nerds opers [20:27:22] bullshit. you can start your own ircd server and enable ssl/tls, and do some client side crypto like fish [20:27:41] I don't [20:27:49] server sees unencrypted data [20:27:54] KindOne: You can't but you won't because nobody will join [20:27:59] <+spagnod> tyil: is it likely that we might get an irc.scriptkitti.es one day? [20:28:05] and my ircd will still be unencrypted for everyone else lol [20:28:23] <+ShadowM00n> I use OTR for 1:1 conversations. I don't know of anything that works channel-wide. [20:28:33] irc is trash, I am glad that nobody uses it anymore [20:28:44] matrix and xmpp do not have that issue [20:28:48] also, otr sucks even for 1:1 [20:29:02] irc is nice for us techies though [20:29:11] OMEMO is pretty nice [20:29:18] yet you posted this from matrix, sussy if you will [20:29:24] omemo is "tolerable" [20:29:29] hehehe you get my gist akari [20:29:35] better than anything irc has lel [20:29:56] ShadowM00n: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA_(cryptosystem) [20:30:33] great for 1:1 [20:30:51] channels are open anyway so why bother [20:31:20] just have to keep bots out [20:32:06] <+spagnod> well... kinda hard to do when your channel is bridged to so many irc servers [20:32:20] imagine using rsa in 2022 [20:32:24] I can't [20:32:34] <+spagnod> fuck my gpg key is on rsa4096 [20:32:37] <+spagnod> welp [20:32:40] <+spagnod> time to commit die [20:32:43] are you using ssh? [20:32:53] <+spagnod> yeah but not with my gpg key [20:32:54] me? sure [20:33:17] spagnod: gpg --expert --full-gen-key [20:33:26] select the curverino [20:33:38] <+spagnod> can I keep my key and that shit? [20:33:41] <+spagnod> I use pass [20:33:49] <+spagnod> are my passwords gonna get nuked? [20:34:09] it would be a separate key [20:34:09] alternatively you can make it a subkey [20:34:17] but yeah, your rsa key would remain [20:34:26] generally public-key cryptography is neat for 1:1 [20:35:05] <+spagnod> ig `for i in ~/.local/share/password-store/*; do gpg --decrypt $i; done` [20:36:04] gotta sleep bye [20:36:10] <+spagnod> buh-bye [20:40:16] So if you don't even care about irc get your bots off it. thx. [20:46:39] i was going to but it brings me great pleasure to see you squirm so [20:47:25] <+spagnod> sy: I have informed the EFF of your despicable plan [20:47:41] <+spagnod> fyi, botting encrypted matrix room is a bit of a GDPR violation [20:47:47] interesting [20:48:10] why would they care [20:48:13] they're a nonprofit [20:48:16] <+spagnod> and according to the CCPA, data in communcation tools is not public information [20:49:12] <+spagnod> so.. errm... your plans are foiled [20:49:15] <+spagnod> bwahahaha [20:51:07] sy, why are you running these data mining things? [20:52:07] <+spagnod> he has a mental problem [20:52:24] <+spagnod> should all raise some money for him to get a psychologist [20:52:44] He hates us for our freedoms [20:55:32] <+spagnod> dw big daddy eff is on him now [20:56:03] * KindOne call Beto to take DickCheney's shotgun. [21:02:49] * +spagnod shakes head [21:02:54] <+spagnod> violence is never the answer [21:03:15] rainbows are though [21:09:38] I just informed Alex Jones about your evil plans [21:24:27] DickCheney: brainlet take [21:24:48] bwahahaha sy is lex luther [21:25:20] so true